Digital -30 Day Coloring Challenge Book - PCS-DD Coloring Book
Digital -30 Day Coloring Challenge Book - PCS-DD Coloring Book
Grab this free digital download from Pajama Crafter Stamps. Time to take a few minutes for yourself, to practice mindfulness, color therapy, and get back to the basics of what you love to do? That's the idea of doing a 30 Day Coloring Challenge where you spend at least five minutes a day on you. In this digital download you will receive 30 images to color that can be made into cards if you wish. You can also document your progress as you will receive 4 of the same image on each page.
We recommend you print your book on the type of cardstock that is appropriate for your coloring medium.
For alchohol markers a super smooth cardstock at least 80# or higher.
For Watercolor: Watercolor paper of choice
For colored pencils, Bristol smooth or something comprable.
Please tag us on social media with the hashtags:
#pajamacrafterstamps #PCSColoringChallenge #30daycoloringchallenge
***You will not receive physical product, but a digital file for you to print out to follow along with the challenge. Work at your own pace.